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SCI期刊 首页 > SCI期刊


期刊分类: 医学

期刊分值: 1.7350


期刊ISSN:  0896-4289
Online ISSN: 1940-4026
涉及的研究方向: 医学-行为科学,精神病学
出版周期: Quarterly
Science Citation Index Expanded
Social Sciences Citation Index
Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences
Current Contents - Clinical Medicine
BIOSIS Previews
平均审稿速度(网友分享经验): 较慢,2-6月
平均录用比例(网友分享经验): 一般
中科院杂志分区: 属于医学 4区大类别;所属小分类:行为科学 4区、精神病学 4区
期刊简介:Behavioral Medicine is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, which fosters and promotes the exchange of knowledge and the advancement of theory in the field of behavioral medicine, including but not limited to understandings of disease prevention, health promotion, health disparities, identification of health risk factors, and interventions designed to reduce health risks, ameliorate health disparities, enhancing all aspects of health. The journal seeks to advance knowledge and theory in these domains in all segments of the population and across the lifespan, in local, national, and global contexts, and with an emphasis on the synergies that exist between biological, psychological, psychosocial, and structural factors as they related to these areas of study and across health states.
Behavioral Medicine publishes original empirical studies (experimental and observational research studies, quantitative and qualitative studies, evaluation studies) as well as clinical/case studies. The journal also publishes review articles, which provide systematic evaluations of the literature and propose alternative and innovative theoretical paradigms.
Behavioral Medicine seeks manuscripts that emphasize the interplay between theory and practice, the translation of knowledge to enhance health, and policy implications.

期刊网址: http://china.tandfonline.com/toc/vbmd20/current


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